Install XAMPP In linux in a minute - Healthy Learners | Information carrier | Perfect Shiksha


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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Install XAMPP In linux in a minute

Talking about software installation in Linux :

Its so easy to install rpm in Linux system .
There is differences between windows application and Linux application installation.

  1. In windows we are installing the exe file that's Stand form execution
  2. In Linux we are installing rpm(Red-hat Package Manager (RPM)  
  3. First of first we require download the software file for the execution 
  4. Then we require to  double click for windows application 


Talking about Linux :
  1. first of first download rpm file 
  2. for example :
  3. by default this is available in Download folder
  4. Open terminal 
  5. type su root
  6. enter password 
  7. Type command for login as root user  :     su  root
  8. then  enter the root password
  9. cd Downloads 
  10. Note: Linux command is case sensitive please use carefully
  11. then follow commond 
  12. [chandra@chandra Downloads]$ chmod +x 
  13. [chandra@chandra Downloads]$ ./ 
  14. there will be display a image of bitnami in graphic mode 
  15. Image result for bitnami installation image linux
  16. click next 
  17. Image result for bitnami installation image linux
  18. this is the process for more information , please mail us

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