Is notepad really a good application? We should know the use of Notepad - Healthy Learners | Information carrier | Perfect Shiksha


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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Is notepad really a good application? We should know the use of Notepad

Notepad is a text editor. 
Do we know what is the use of it?
Notepad is an application that has multiple uses it totally depends on the user and their purpose 

Image result for notepad

Notepad is an application that is developed by Microsoft, which is pre-installed with the Microsoft Operating System.
Notepad can use in many ways as a text editor.
A programmer also considers making programming by this application save it with the extension of programming language.

Notepad is the first step for typing or saving their text in the form of .txt extension
Here we have used word extension. Do we know the extension of the file and it's used?
An extension is the identification of the file type. We can save the notepad file in many ways their extension By default save the text in the format of #filename.txt.

C# programmer save this as a #filename.cs
C Programmer save this file as  #filename.c
Java Programmer save the file as

One more intresting thing is that a web developer can design their website by the use of notepad , they can save it easily in the form of html and css as well as js

Below are 5 most used alternate application for programming language.

  • VIM
  • VS Code
  • Notepad++
  • Sublime Text Editor
  • Atom Text Editor

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