Keyboard Means having keys in the board |Let's see the definition and use - Healthy Learners | Information carrier | Perfect Shiksha


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Monday, October 7, 2019

Keyboard Means having keys in the board |Let's see the definition and use

What is the keyboard?

A board that have a bunch of keys. The name keyboard also describes the meaning.

But is it the right meaning of the keyboard? 

                                             Definitely a big no.

Let's understand the definition of the keyboard :
                 Image result for keyboard
A keyboard is an input device. Its also known as a peripheral device. This device came with PS/2 Port. As per market demand now its available in USB port as well as wireless also. 
The keyboard is used for taking the text input for the computer as an instruction.

PS/2 Port looks like below image
Image result for mouse portImage result for mouse port

USB Port looks like
Image result for USB port

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