Why "There is recycle Bin in the computer " - Healthy Learners | Information carrier | Perfect Shiksha


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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why "There is recycle Bin in the computer "

Every System is known for storing information like files and  folder.
We are working on system for creating files and folders.
Files and folder can be deleted easily in any system. System means we are talking about the Android Operating, Linux and Apple Operating System.
The deleted files and folders that automatically moves in Recycle bin in windows since windows 95.
 In Apple Operating ,Linux and Android operating system  move deleted files and folder in trash.
These files is stored in hard drive after deleting from the file manager , the path of files is changed as trash and recycle bin .
We can say simple delete means move the files in trash or recycle bin. This can be easily move to your system again as previous path.Deleting files or folder from  trash or recycle bin , that is not easy to recover it .
There is small icon like waste container is the symbol of recycle bin.Below are image that can be seen windows operating systems

For storing more files and folder ,we require to delete unusual items from the file manager ,that moves in recycle as per rule of the Operating system
Note : Recycle Bin or trash is not a software that is the features of the operating system.

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